Yesterday we got a call from our insurance case manager telling us that our insurance has approved riley's wheelchair. the exciting part is that they approved both the stroller and the power chair. it should take another few weeks to get them here. i hope it's sooner than later. i have included a couple of pictures of what his chairs look like. his power chair will be blue.
Saturday was the SMA Walk and Roll. It was the first fundraiser for the Utah Chapter. It was a big turnout which made me happy. They had lots of fun stuff...a bounce house, face painting, raffle drawings, pony rides and yummy food. Riley had fun getting his face painted. He thought the brush was very ticklish. It was good to see his physical therapist there supporting her SMA patients. We met up with the Coleman Family and said hi. I actually went to high school with Whit and Lindsey and have not seen them since. They have a type I baby names Jonas and he is a couple weeks older than Riley. It was fun to finally meet them and Jonas. They should be having more get togethers which I'm looking forward to.