
The Dreaded Call...

As you know Riley was in the ER last Sunday. While he was there they took lots of cultures; snout and poop to be exact. The other day I get a call "This is Primary Childrens calling I need to speak to Marck Ogden's parents." Oh great what now!?! They were calling to tell me that all his cultures came back negative except for his stool, he has C-Dif! Oh that's just great! For those of you that don't know C-Dif is this really nasty bacterial infection in the intestine. It is highly contagious and the only people I ever hear of having it are people in the hospital. I am convinced that he got it when he was in the PICU in January. That seems like a long time ago, but he's been having intestinal problems ever since he came home from there. It just makes me really mad. So they ordered a new antibiotic for that one but it doesn't come in a liquid so they had to find a pharmacy by my house that did compounding. And this Pharmacy was not easily located and I kept driving past it. So here we are with a couple more days of amoxacillin left for the ears and 4 x a day for 14 days for the tummy! All I can think to say is poor Riley

1 comment:

Jones Family said...

Yuk! Here's hoping all these bugs clear up soon!