
Fork in the Road

I feel like I'm at a crossroads in my life and I don't know whether to turn left or right, or just go straight on no road at all. I really am torn in two...One half really would like to finish my bachelors (you would think I would have that by now) and apply for a graduate program but I have no idea what I want to do when I grow up! The other half of me just wants to be a mom. I would really like another baby but I'm scared to death! And the fact that everyone around me is pregnant makes it worse. There's always the option to just do it all and be it all. I keep trying to look for road signs to tell me which way to go, but I guess I must be passing them up because I have no idea where I'm going!


Strong Family said...

That's a tough one. I'm glad I don't have to make that decision. Being a mom is great, but sometimes I wish I had a job where I got to be around people and have normal converstation instead of yelling and trying to get my kids to listen to me and stay out of trouble. Just keep a prayer in your heart and go to the temple with your question and hopefully you will get an answer.

Jones Family said...

TOUGH, tough stuff! These "grown-up" life decisions are always hard to make. But, you are awesome and can do anything. I'll be sending good vibes and prayers your way!