
The great adventure of moving has official begun with what seems to be endless amounts of packing!  I'm not sure where we accumulated so much stuff.  there's no other word for it...stuff...it is always there, it never goes away and no matter how much you try to get rid of it, there is always more stuff to take it's place.  one would think that after having moved 5 times in the past 6 years I would down size and become stuff free.  instead i just box it up and add it to the pile.  in fact i have never even fully unpacked from last years move.  so now i've got new boxes of stuff to add to the old boxes of stuff.  as of yesterday i do have one box and one bag full of stuff to take to the DI (utah's version of good will).  i just hope marc doesn't notice that a lot of his stuff is in that box!  i promise i will find my own stuff to put in that box too. 

1 comment:

Jones Family said...

that's how my DI piles look, too- mostly my husbands stuff! :) sounds like you are making packing progress...keep boxing!