
Viral Update 3

We needed a little brightening up in the room today.  These are the cute get to know you posters that child life makes.  If you look really closely you can get a glimpse of Riley's favorite music...yes it does say Britney Spears. He loves my Glee cd especially the Britney Spears mash up they did.  Ok so let's get down to the latest news.  He had a hard night with some increased oxygen needs and irritability.  They had to give him a few extra doses of Ativan to keep him comfortable. I don't know what I was thinking but I thought I could attempt to work a shift last night. I was kind of a nervous wreck all night so it probably wasn't a good idea. I came right up here after work and I walked in to Riley's oxygen saturations in the 70's! They bumped his peep up to 10 and cranked the oxygen to 100 and grabbed the cough assist.  He was able to cough up a good amount of goo so we think he just mucus plugged.  Even though we were able to get it out we are still on quite a bit of oxygen.  They got a chest xray and he's started to get some collapse on his right side.  Hopefully with some extra cough assist treatments and the increased peep we can pop stuff back open.  He spiked another fever so they sent more blood cultures and a sputum culture along with starting him on some antibiotics.  The other concerning thing is that his platelet count is quite a bit lower than it usually is. This could be due to his valproic acid that he takes as part of a study drug he's been on since he was first diagnosed.  He's never had a problem with it before so they are drawing a valproic acid level and contacting the neurology team to get their input.  So as a recap more oxygen, more peep and more antibiotics.  We'll see what the rest of the day brings.

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